The apl.sty Style Macros

% This is APL.DOC or APL.STY,
% as of 22 October 1990
% APL.STY - A LaTeX Document-Style Option
% for Typesetting Documents Containing
% APL Symbols With Standard LaTeX Fonts.
% V1.0 G.Neumann, A.Geyer-Schulz, R.Vogel,
% Vienna University of Economics and
% Business Administration, December 1987
% 11pt, proportional spacing, emphasized,
% normalsize for APL2, Dyalog-APL.
% V2.0 A.Geyer-Schulz, J.Matulka
% Vienna University of Economics and
% Business Administration,
% Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
% April 1990,
% 10/11/12pt, proportional/fixed spacing,
% all type styles, all sizes, for APL2,
% Dyalog-APL, I-APL, Sharp-APL, APL.68000.
% V2.1 A.Geyer-Schulz, J.Matulka
% \parshape in \APLline macro corrected
% October 1990.
% V2.2 A.Geyer-Schulz, J.Matulka, G.Neumann
% use \endlinechar=-1 instead of % 
% \hss added in APLmb to center fixed 
%   spaced characters
% new environment APLfnsline
% refinement of linebreaking (APLbr and 
%   \APLgb)
% \raggedright replaced by \rightskip=... 
% October 1990.
% Usage: Option for standard LaTeX styles:
%        \documentstyle[11pt,apl]{article}
% Notes: TeX with large memory recommended
% (262 141 words of memory). Otherwise,
% many APL symbols on one page may cause
% TeX memory overflow.
% Contents:
% 1) Quads need special macros:
%    \@APLsq     \quad and combinations
%    \@APLsqa    \quadrightarrow ...
%    \@APLblop   the quote of \quadquote
% 2) Macros for "building" symbols:
%    \@APLmath   for symbols in a math
%                environment
%    \@APLmraise for raising symbols
%                in a math environment
%    \@APLovly   simulates "backspacing"
%                by overlaying two symbols
% 3) Line breaking, fixed spacing,
%    missings
%    \APLbr      for breaking long APL 
%                lines
%    \APLgb      prefered break in long 
%                APL lines
%    \APLmb      for simulating a
%                fixed spaced font
%    \APLmiss    for nonprintable values
%                in the atomic vector
% 4) Alphabets and numbers
%    the letters A - Z
%    the letters a - z
%    the underlined letters A - Z
%    the underlined letters a - z
%    the numbers 0 - 9
% 5) Special Symbols
% 6) APL Symbols
%    simple APL2 symbols
%    compound APL2 symbols
%    simple Dyalog APL symbols
%    compound I-APL symbols
%    compound Dyalog APL symbols
%    compound Sharp APL symbols
%    compound APL.68000 symbols
%    compound dictionary APL symbols
%    future extensions (other APLs)
% 7) Macros for typesetting APL code,
%    not just one character at a time
%    \APLindent       APL user input is
%                     six spaces indented
%    \begin{APLline}  a direct definition,
%    \end{APLline}    one line of APL code
%    \begin{APLfnsline} definition of a
%    \end{APLfnsline} line of APL code
%                     in del-editor 
%                     represenation
%    \begin{APLfns}   an APL function or
%    \end{APLfns}     operator displayed
%                     by the del-editor
%    \begin{APLcr}    canonical function
%    \end{APLcr}      representation
%    \begin{APLarray} for typesetting
%    \end{APLarray}   an APL array
%    \begin{APLexpr}  for typesetting
%    \end{APLexpr}    an APL expression
% 8) A special environment for bold
%    \begin{APLbold}  for bold APL symbols
%    \end{APLbold}
% SIDE EFFECT: after the environments of (7)
%    the value of \endlinechar is set to ^M
\message{Document-Style Option `apl' %
Version 2.2 <22 October 1990>}
\newdimen\@APLdimen % dimensions of boxes
\newdimen\@APLrule  % to save \fboxrule
\@APLrule=\fboxrule % initialize \@APLrule
%      (1) Quads need special macros:
% \quad and its combinations
\@APLdimen=\wd1\advance\@APLdimen by
% boxes for APL.68000 compound symbols
\@APLdimen=\wd1\advance\@APLdimen by
% generates the quote of quotequad
\@APLdimen=\wd1\advance\@APLdimen by
% (2) Macros for "building" symbols:
% to put APL symbols into a
% mathematical environment
% to put APL symbols into a mathematical
% environment and raise them
% to put symbol #2 over symbol #1,
% generating a box with dimensions
% of the larger character
\hbox to\@APLdimen{\hfil#1\hfil}%
\hbox to\@APLdimen{\hfil#2\hfil}}%
% (3) Line breaking, fixed spacing and
%     "missing" values
% linebreaks in long APL lines
%\def\APLbr{\hskip 0pt plus 0pt \relax}

% preferred linebreaks in long APL lines
% to generate fixed spaced APL symbols
% put them in a box of fixed length
\def\APLmb#1{\leavevmode\hbox to%
% Missing Values
\def\APLmiss#1{{\tiny #1}}
% (4) Alphabets and numbers
% (4.1) Letters A - Z
% (4.2) Letters a - z
% (4.3) Underlined Letters A - Z
% (4.4) Underlined Letters a - z
% (4.5) Numbers 0 - 9
% (4.6) Space
%\def\APLspace{\ \strut\APLgb}
\def\APLspace{\hskip 0.4em\strut\APLgb}
% (5) Special Symbols
% (6) APL Symbols
% (6.1)  Simple APL2 Symbols
% (6.2) Compound APL2 Symbols
% (6.3) Simple Dyalog APL Symbols
% (6.4) Compound Dyalog APL Symbols
% (6.5) Compound I-APL Symbols
% (6.6) Compound SHARP APL Symbols
% (6.7) Compound APL.68000 Symbols
% (6.8) Iverson's Dictionary APL
% (6.9) Symbols for other APL dialects
%       should be inserted here
% (7) Macros for typesetting APL code,
%     not just one character at a time
% the indentation of user input (6 spaces)
% Environment APLline: to typeset one
% APL line or a direct definition
\rightskip=0pt plus 6em%
\advance\@APLdimen by -3em
\parshape 2 0pt\linewidth 3em\@APLdimen}

% Environment APLfnsline: to typeset one
% APL line with line number and nabla sign
{\begin{APLline}\leavevmode\hbox to%
% Environment APLfns: to typeset an APL
% function as displayed by the del-editor
% Environment APLcr: to typeset the
% canonical function representation
% (APLfns and APLcr are identical
% in this release)
% Environment APLarray:
% to typeset an APL array
% Environment APLexpr:
% to typeset an APL expression
\rightskip=0pt plus 6em%
\parshape 2 0pt\linewidth 0pt\linewidth%
% (8) Changing to a bold type style
%     requires a special environment

% This is the end of APL.STY/DOC